Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Sowell on Duke

It is now clear that revery day an rape indictment hangs over the three accused Duke lacrosse players is a travesty of historic proportions.

It is a matter of record that the District Attorney, Mike Nifong:

1. Showed the alleged victim a line-up featuring only white Duke lacrosse players, thus diregarding all norms of investigation, and the legal standard in the state of North Carolina;

2. Pursued an indictment against a lacrosse player who has a three-fold alibi (a black cabbie places him miles away from the scene of the supposed crime when the crime took place, and both a time-stamped ATM receipt and a time-stamped video camera place him at his bank);

3. Disregarded results of a negative DNA test against the accused, after assuring beforehand that said tests would demnonstrate innocence if negative;

4. Conspired with a DNA lab to keep from the defense a positive DNA result for three other men, none of whom are lacrosse players.

What is amazing is that, if Nifong could wave a wand and remove these four facts from public purview, there would still be enough to exonerate the defendants.

Thomas Sowell has the latest.

Sowell's conclusion matches mine, to a point. Nifong should be removed from office. He should be disbarred.

I would go further. When all is said and done, he should be caged.


Anonymous said...

Nifong is in an out of control wacko persecutor perpetuating the duke rape hoax.

texasyank said...

I forgot about Seligmann's fourth alibi: the card swipe at his residence hall.

Anonymous said...

Great article. This hoax and sham must be stopped immediately and the false accuser and the persecutor (nifong ) must be tried and convicted. This is not justice in america. Nifong is an out of control , rogue ,wacko prosecutor who appears to be in charge of a criminal conspiracy to ruin the duke boys lives. An intervention is needed by someone. Lets put nifong in the same room with some influential people or even the assistant da’s who can say what the hell are you doing here! Someone has to step in , step up and stop this madman Nifong.

Dave S.