Sunday, January 14, 2007

I don't . . . believe . . . what I just saw

Okay, somebody describe to me what just happened.

I mean, somebody tell me how the Patriots just won this game. I don't know myself. I'm in favor of the Patriots, and I'm ready to ask for a re-count.

Look, (to steal from Larry Miller) let's all have a drink. Then let's reconvene.

Okay? Okay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, even the day after, it's still hard to belive they won. And I must add to "An interception that leads to a fumble, then a recovery, hence a first down?"....a precious timeout wasted via the red flag.

Also,I have to share some Phil Mushnick.."isn't Baltimore losing to the Colts kinda like Dallas losing to the Cowboys?