Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Substitute Teacher in the Box

Funny thing: I love proctoring exams. The quiet, the escape. I save books I've been dying to read, and take them out during finals week. My students file in, I distribute exams, then sit back for two to three hours of solitude and quiet.

Sometimes I play Professor. This is when I get up, walk up and down the rows, desk to desk, thumb and forefinger tucked beneath my chin. Hmmmm.

(Which does raise a point.)

Occasionally I walk to the little rectangular glass window cut, by law, into every college classroom door constructed after 1966. Peer up and down the hallway.

All 'scopes green, Cap'n.

(One thing, though. Something always bothered me about Animal House, a movie I held in higher regard than the ultimate great-guy movie Caddyshack, except for one segment that threw me. Okay. Bluto and D-Day steal the fake Psych mid-term; Kevin Bacon has picked up the real exam and dropped a fake exam in the trash. Now they're taking the Psych midterm as the Professor walks about them. Wouldn't occur, at least to Bluto and D-Day, that the exam they stole was (here Boone chimes in) the wrong f***** exam? Bluto and D-Day are alcoholics, sure, but dumb? Not so much.)

Okay, back to reality.

So, when, last week, Astro-Girl told me that family business would interfere with her Psych finals, my reaction was two-fold: Me! and Me!

A good day. Yes, and 8-2, Yanks over Rangers didn't hurt.


Anonymous said...

Quite a lot of censorship where Astro Girl is concerned, eh?

texasyank said...

Had the daughter of a friend log on once, so I hold my tongue, typey-wise

Anonymous said...

Funny! I meant that you took down the comment about her students (I'm guessing) saying that she said they could turn in their papers or tests any time.

texasyank said...

Yeah--mentioned work once and got a smack-down. Started an anonymous blog to write about work and Townhall zapped it.

Anonymous said...

Gah. Free country my ass. Townhall sounds like Stalin.