Monday, February 26, 2007

Al Gore: Eco-Hog

If the eco-nuts gain any more traction--if the notion of what we, as individuals, must give up to keep the Statue of Liberty from standing hip-deep in the Atlantic Ocean--stories like this are going to gain more and more currency as time goes by.

Already, stories circulate of those Priuses (you know, those pet cars millionaire celebrities own, the ones parked out back behind the Humvee and the Escalade) driving to LAX, and to at least eighty private jets fueled and ready for take-off.

This is a piece with John Edwards' ugly-ass McMansion. Do these people know the depths of self-parody they've fallen?


Anonymous said...

You mean nothing about Gore's annual $30,000 energy bill? Come on, get w/ it, Yank.

texasyank said...


Anonymous said...

Gore certainly does have some explaining to do. However, if it is true that a good portion of that electricity comes from renewable sources (6,200 kilowatt hours per month, according to his spokesperson), then the Tennessee Center for Policy Research (which, despite its claims of being nonpartisan, is hardly unbiased) provided misleading data. Regardless of what shakes down, however, Gore's culpability does not exonerate everyone else from trying to do his/her part to minimize negative human impact on the environment. It doesn't mean going to extremes, as some environmentalists claim is necessary, but everyone can make a positive difference.

Anonymous said...

the home is used not only for family to live in but as offices for numerous staff members including secret service.

yank please wait for "the inconvenient truth" before you believe random web articles.

nothing is worse than an author who doesn't do his/her research. who the hell is Drew Johnson and the Tennessee Center for Policy Research?

just because it's on a website that sides with your beliefs doesn't make it true.


besides, nobody is perfect. it's nearly impossible to be 100% green. give kudos to those who try.

texasyank said...

What a perfect specimen of leftist rebuttal.

First of all, Al Gore is free to have as much living space, own as many homes, fly as many private jets and drive as many SUVs as his resources will allow. I don't begrudge him anything. I only wish he would extend the same courtesy to the rest of us.

Second, nobody has disputed the facts.

Third, the haughtiness of "Who the hell is Drew Johnson" has all the earmarks of the grandees at the MSM club room crackling their newspapers at the report of an interloper. Who is Drew Johnson? Who was Powerline? Right, it's not like they're reliable sources of information, like CBS or something.

Anonymous said...

Will see Al Gore next month and shall try to have a chat with him.

I enjoy reading your blog. It's funny how different our views are.

Off to pet wolves and prevent global warming,

An anonymous eco-nut member of your faculty