Friday, August 14, 2009

Yanks take 1st 2

Ahhhh--always the exciting games that end past my bedtime.

Last night: Sabathia seeming almost amused by the Mariners, Godzirra smacks around Seattle pitching.

Tonight: Pettitte get another win ripped from his left hand, Tex comes through. Hughes.

Peace and love, peace and love.

Joba, AJ, CC, Lefty: another four wins in a row, however obtained.

Now Robby-Boy can get ready for Mitre tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warm up the bullpen!! If Mitre is indeed going to stay in the rotation, they CANNOT have him and Joba go back-to-back. It's too taxing on the bullpen. Mitre/Acevies/Robertson Joba/Hughes/Coke/Rivera with the other guys peppered in depending on the score. Now we might catch a break this weekend with the "swing at anything Mariners"
