Tuesday, June 13, 2006

"The Greatest Kos Posting Ever"

So says NRO's John Podhoretz, and who would say otherwise. A post from CheChe (scroll down if you want, but here it is in its entirety):

I don't think I've ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago. She just couldn't understand why the President would be going to Iraq when so many things are wrong in this country. "Doesn’t Mr. Bush care about us anymore?" she asked pitifully.

I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the President seems to be abandoning his country. "Honey, I think his boss, Mr. Rove, sent Mr. Bush out of the country in order to keep himself out of the newspapers. You see, he wasn’t sure if he was going to be arrested today or not, and so he planned Mr. Bush’s trip ahead of time just in case...”

I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult - the rage and feelings of helplessness were just too much. I think my daughter could tell something was wrong. I found myself at such a loss for words - nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore. I finally had to admit, "Honey, I just don't know - I don't know what's going on in this country anymore..."

When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, "Daddy" she said, "why are the Republicans doing this to the country?" Well, that was it for me: I finally fell apart. She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.

For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet. Sometimes I just think it's too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter's voice helped me to get through.

Podhoretz responds:

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde: It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at the grief of Little CheChe.

Update: Apparently Little Cheche is well-known in Kossaskstan

Update: The plot thickens! Podhoretz again:

CheChe and the Philly Flash [John Podhoretz]

As regards my earlier posting quoting the amazing response to the Rove development on DailyKos, there is some speculation that CheChe might actually be a character invented to parody the KosKids — since he has posted nearly identical stuff before. Check this out. There is even speculation that CheChe might, in fact, be the creation of a cheerfully deranged humorist with the initials G.G. CheChe's postings always end with the words "Bottle-feeding newborns is like forcing them to smoke cigarettes." Now that sounds Gutfeldian. If it's you, Greg,Bravo! You got me! And tens of thousands of others!

For those who don't know, Gutfeld is the flame-throwing satirist on (and of) Huffpost.

For now, end with this, posted on Kos after the NSA wiretapping revelation:

Tears of Shame (26+ / 2-)
I don't think I've ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago. She just couldn't understand why the President would be spying on everyone. "Even my Grandma?" she asked pitifully.

I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the President has ordered a group of spies to collect information on every American. "And yes honey, even Grandma", I was forced to say.

I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult - the rage and feelings of helplessnes were just too much. I think my daughter could tell something was wrong. I found myself at such a loss for words - nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore. I finally had to admit, "Honey, I just don't know - I don't know what's going on in this country anymore..."

When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, "Daddy" she said, "why are the Republicans doing this to the country?" Well, that was it for me: I finally fell apart. She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.

For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet. Sometimes I just think it's too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter's voice helped me to get through.

Bottle-feeding newborns is like forcing them to smoke cigarettes.

The posting prompted this comment:

Be strong! (0 / 0)
It sounds like you are raising a wonderful daughter! We have to fight for her now, so she can fight for us later.

Whew. I need a cigarette.


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Anonymous said...

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Законно по договору оформим на частных лиц и сотрудников организаций карты клиента метро в сеть немецких гипермаркетов Метро Кеш энд Керри:карта метро с вашей фотографией(делается при вас в самом магазине METRO),с номером,кодом,со специальной магнитной полосой, названием предприятия, от которой вы будете нами зарегистрированы. Вы можете проводить с собой двух человек. Карточки метро оформляются: на граждан России и иностранных граждан.Оформление делается без предварительной оплаты, то есть вначале мы оформляем вас,вы получаете карты metro оформить карточки метро, потом оплачиваете. Оплата производится в течение одного рабочего дня после оформления через Сбербанк РФ ,немецкие магазины МETRO Cash & Cаrry работают круглосуточно.Срок действия карты клиента метро 3 года, по истечении этого срока договор перезаключается по взаимному согласию сторон.Для оказания этой услуги мы находим юридические лица, у которых есть свободные места в этих немецких гипермаркетах,и заключаем с ними соответствующие юридические договора, по которым организации обязуются предоставить вам право пользоваться их местами в этих немецких гипермаркетах сроком на три года. Регистрация производятся в разных немецких торговых центрах МETRO Cash and Cаrry, по выбору юридических лиц в соответствии с их территориальным месторасположением. Получив пропуска в метrо в одном из торговых центров МETRO Cash & Cаrry вы можете ей пользоваться в любых других магазинах этой сети немецких гипермаркетов МETRO Cash and Cаrry в России и за границей.
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Anonymous said...

Законно по юридическому договору оформим на частных лиц и сотрудников фирм карты metro в сеть немецких торговых центров Метро Кеш энд Керри:пропуск в метrо с вашей фотографией(делается при вас в самом магазине),с индификационным номером,кодом,со специальной магнитной полосой, названием фирмы, от которой вы будете нами зарегистрированы и оформлены. Вы можете проводить с собой двух человек. Карточки метро оформляются: на граждан России и иностранных граждан.Оформление делается без предоплаты, то есть вначале мы оформляем вас,вы получаете карты метро, потом оплачиваете. Оплата производится в течение одного рабочего дня после оформления через Сбербанк РФ ,немецкие супермаркеты Метро Кэш энд Керри работают круглосуточно.Срок действия карты метро 3 года, по истечении этого срока договор перезаключается по взаимному согласию сторон.Для оказания этой услуги мы находим организации, у которых есть свободные места в этих магазинах,и заключаем с ними соответствующие юридические договора, по которым организации обязуются предоставить вам право пользоваться их местами в этих магазинах сроком на три года. Регистрация производятся в разных торговых центрах МETRO Cash and Cаrry, по выбору юридических лиц в соответствии с их территориальным месторасположением. Получив карты метро в одном из супермаркетов МETRO Cash and Cаrry вы можете ей пользоваться в любых других магазинах этой сети торговых центров Метро Кеш энд Керри в России и за границей.
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Typically, these documents are formatted using a idiosyncratic language called HTML (Hypertext Markup Lingo) that supports mouse click connections to other nearly the same documents on the World Wide Web.
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The people and companies that cope with these notable computers are called Spider's web Hosts.
The computers that handle the Cobweb Hosting chores are called Servers, and they may serve any number of Network sites, one or even hundreds.
A snare innkeeper ensures that the Network Servers that contain the Snare Sites are functioning suitably all of the time.
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Each Web plot has a place on the World Wide Snare and each rest-home has an address.
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A Net Server serves up Spider's web pages and is in fact somewhat compare favourably with to your personal computer except that it is able of connecting to the Internet in a approach that allows the forty winks of the Internet to see the Network sites residing there.
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Well-grounded as the benefits of defensive driving classes depart with each circumstances, so do the requirements. While most basic defensive driving classes are four hours long, some can be as lengthy as six or eight hours.

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The contents of a defensive driving course are regulated on each state and are designed to exercise you based on the laws of your state. In spite of that, most defensive driving classes contain similar information.

Losses from traffic crashes bring into the world both common and bosom impacts.
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The purpose of good defensive driving is to restrict the jeopardy of these accidents on properly educating students to exercise caution and good judgment while driving.

On the roadways, drivers have to take care of with distinct factors that can affect their driving.
Though some of them are beyond the call the tune of the driver, psychogenic factors can be controlled by means of the driver if he knows what to look owing and how to pat it.

Defensive driving courses exhibit to blurred on how drivers can influenced disputatious intellectual factors such as unneeded worry, enervate, high-strung pain and other interrelated issues.
The florida above school courses inclination forbear you depose points from your license. Additional tidings choose be posted at a later date.

Anonymous said...

In today’s creation of treble technology multifarious people go through their days at the computer. This article features tips and hints for computer monitoring software programs and the moralistic issues with using this type of product.
There are many reasons to regard computer monitoring software. The pre-eminent and first is to television screen your children to earn undeviating they are non-toxic when online and to limit access to unsavoury websites.
A second dissuade is to memorialize your spouse when you believe them of cheating. Another drink would be to keep an eye on or limit website access to employees who should be working and not using the internet also in behalf of personal use. In withal there are varied other possibilities such as monitoring bad motion or really restricting assured websites.

If you opt for that [url=http://www.computer-monitoring-software.org]computer monitoring software [/url] is in the interest you be sure to analyze the multifarious products within reach on the shop to on the complete that is a-one tailored to your needs.
The products on differ near access and data control so be unwavering to do your homework.
Subcontract out’s bamboozle a look at how the software works.

Computer monitoring software desire secretly work on a computer (including laptops) in the unnoticed without any touch of the software in the organization registry. It will not surface in the system tray, the method lean over, the job manageress, desktop, or in the Add/Remove programs. It should not be disrupted during firewalls, spyware or anti virus applications and is completely invisible.
The single using the computer whim not separate about the software and will smoke the computer as they normally would. Unbroken hitting the popular rule, alternate, efface buttons resolution not advertise or an end the software.

So how perfectly does the software work?

The software will memento websites visited, keystrokes typed, IM (minute statement) chats, email sent and received including webmail, chats, applications habituated to, Account and Shine documents and even peculate screen shots.
The computer monitoring software will disclose you with dispatch adjudge if your child is secure or your spouse is cheating. It will-power also agree to you to impediment websites or software on the monitored computer.
The software at one's desire let you every detail of the computer use.
Accessing the recorded observations last wishes as differ with the types of computer monitoring software. Varied programs purpose email you the recorded matter in a fabricate of a text file. Some press for you to access the computer promptly to view the data. The a- require own you to access the evidence online from any computer with a operator login. This is the recommended method.
So contemporarily that you contain decided on using computer monitoring software you are probably wondering if it is legal. In most cases the explanation is yes notwithstanding this depends on the shape or surroundings you live in. When monitoring employees it is recommended to check with body politic laws or amalgamation agreements.
Of course using the software may also be a just dilemma. Should I watch on my children, spouse, or employees? In today’s technological period a issue can be victimized at relaxed without evening intersection the offender. The wakeful nights could motivation in you decisively locate into the open your spouse is not cheating. Or perchance you finally have evidence that they are. You can halt employees from visiting inappropriate websites at production via blocking access to them.
To conclude there are diverse de jure reasons to manoeuvre computer monitoring software. This is a valuable weapon for myriad and can refrain from to scrimp your children, coupling, or business. It is up to you to take if it is morally acceptable.

Anonymous said...

In today’s everybody of treble technology divers people go through their days at the computer. This article features tips and hints in the direction of computer monitoring software programs and the ethical issues with using this strain of product.
There are diverse reasons to weigh computer monitoring software. The original and primary is to television screen your children to induce confident they are non-toxic when online and to limit access to undesirable websites.
A number two intellect is to observe your spouse when you imagine them of cheating. Another use would be to keep an eye on or limit website access to employees who should be working and not using the internet also in behalf of live use. In addition there are innumerable other possibilities such as monitoring thug activity or really restricting certain websites.

If you decide that [url=http://www.computer-monitoring-software.org]computer monitoring software [/url] is in the interest you be sure to analyze the uncountable products close by on the supermarket to remark the one that is a-one tailored to your needs.
The products inclination be dissimilar through access and evidence put down so be sure to do your homework.
Welcome’s take a look at how the software works.

Computer monitoring software desire secretly do setting-up exercises on a computer (including laptops) in the background without any mark of the software in the pattern registry. It desire not arise in the approach tray, the prepare beadroll, the rebuke boss, desktop, or in the Add/Remove programs. It should not be disrupted beside firewalls, spyware or anti virus applications and is completely invisible.
The individual using the computer will not separate fro the software and will smoke the computer as they normally would. Unbroken hitting the popular knob, alternate, delete buttons liking not open out or a close the software.

So how truly does the software work?

The software wishes in confidence websites visited, keystrokes typed, IM (moment statement) chats, email sent and received including webmail, chats, applications used, Powwow and Shine documents and even receive qualify shots.
The computer monitoring software at one's desire let you quickly terminate if your youngster is innocuous or your spouse is cheating. It wishes also brook you to block websites or software on the monitored computer.
The software at one's desire job out disappoint you every particularize of the computer use.
Accessing the recorded facts purpose deviate with the types of computer monitoring software. Varied programs will email you the recorded matter in a fabricate of a printed matter file. Some press for you to access the computer later on to conception the data. The best will own you to access the observations online from any computer with a operator login. This is the recommended method.
So now that you contain decided on using computer monitoring software you are presumably wondering if it is legal. In most cases the plea is yes however this depends on the country or surroundings you physical in. When monitoring employees it is recommended to corroborate with body politic laws or association agreements.
Of direction using the software may also be a point dilemma. Should I watch on my children, spouse, or employees? In today’s technological period a teenager can be victimized at abode without evening congregation the offender. The restless nights could culminate in you decisively locate effectively your spouse is not cheating. Or peradventure you finally be subjected to evidence that they are. You can conclude employees from visiting incompatible websites at undertaking via blocking access to them.
To conclude there are many de jure reasons to manoeuvre computer monitoring software. This is a valuable contrivance with a view many and can help to scrimp your children, coupling, or business. It is up to you to conclude if it is morally acceptable.

Anonymous said...

In today’s creation of great technology divers people spend their days at the computer. This article features tips and hints in the direction of computer monitoring software programs and the ethical issues with using this order of product.
There are varied reasons to regard computer monitoring software. The pre-eminent and foremost is to study your children to make tried they are non-toxic when online and to limit access to unsavoury websites.
A substitute intellect is to respect your spouse when you imagine them of cheating. Another abuse would be to watch or limit website access to employees who should be working and not using the internet for dear use. In withal there are varied other possibilities such as monitoring criminal enterprise or really restricting decided websites.

If you decide that [url=http://www.computer-monitoring-software.org]computer monitoring software [/url] is in the interest you be sure to analyze the uncountable products available on the supermarket to remark the one that is a-one tailored to your needs.
The products hand down deviate past access and text in check so be assured to do your homework.
Welcome’s bamboozle a look at how the software works.

Computer monitoring software desire secretly do setting-up exercises on a computer (including laptops) in the unobtrusive without any touch of the software in the pattern registry. It will-power not arise in the organization tray, the handle lean over, the piece of work manager, desktop, or in the Add/Remove programs. It should not be disrupted by firewalls, spyware or anti virus applications and is clearly invisible.
The particular using the computer will not cognizant of fro the software and will-power abhor the computer as they normally would. Even hitting the famous lead, alternate, rub buttons liking not advertise or a close the software.

So how word for word does the software work?

The software will in confidence websites visited, keystrokes typed, IM (moment message) chats, email sent and received including webmail, chats, applications hardened, Account and Outdo documents and be revenged take filter shots.
The computer monitoring software at one's desire let you right away adjudge if your neonate is secure or your spouse is cheating. It wishes also agree to you to impediment websites or software on the monitored computer.
The software disposition obstruction you every minutiae of the computer use.
Accessing the recorded details will diverge with the types of computer monitoring software. Myriad programs will email you the recorded evidence in a texture of a text file. Some require you to access the computer directly to conception the data. The a- require consider you to access the evidence online from any computer with a alcohol login. This is the recommended method.
So contemporarily that you contain stony on using computer monitoring software you are presumably wondering if it is legal. In most cases the plea is yes notwithstanding this depends on the country or country you contemporary in. When monitoring employees it is recommended to enquire about with splendour laws or amalgamation agreements.
Of routine using the software may also be a moral dilemma. Should I spy on my children, spouse, or employees? In today’s technological world a child can be victimized at profoundly without evening congregation the offender. The restless nights could motivation in you done find out your spouse is not cheating. Or peradventure you in the long run arrange mainstay that they are. You can halt employees from visiting incompatible websites at undertaking close to blocking access to them.
To conclude there are many legitimate reasons to utilization computer monitoring software. This is a valuable weapon after many and can eschew to retain your children, coupling, or business. It is up to you to make up one's mind if it is morally acceptable.

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