Friday, July 28, 2006

Another Friend of Bill

Via Taranto (third item) another nauseating self-congradulatory piece by a former Clinton official--in this case, Warren Christopher.

Regarding the Middle East, I give President Clinton credit for the 2000 Camp David II talks that broke down, because it provided what should have been a moment of clarity for everyone. Yassir Arafat, who not only turned down, but contemptuously turned down, the best possible deal the PLO was ever going to get (all of Gaza, 95% of the West Bank, portions of East Jerusalem) thoroughly discredited himself as an honest broker and gave the Israelis just cause to throw up their hands and walk away.
As Taranto makes clear, everything else about the Clinton administration in that region of the world smacks of kicking the can down the road.

Bill Clinton taking credit for peace in the Middle East is like James Buchanan taking credit for avoiding the Civil War.

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