Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rather dense

Two truisms regarding Rathergate:

1. It is the greatest story in the history of the world.

2. Bush-haters still don't get it.

Over at Huffpost, Russell Shaw posted this story about what he'd really like Dan Rather to say to Larry King.

The interview contains this gem:

LK: Well, you are still young at 74, Dan. So what happened?

DR: Well, a few things. CBS ousted me from the evening anchor position, and then exiled me to a low-profile news feature show where my work was metered, rationed and vetted. And then, in these tumultuous times, I was all of a sudden told there were no more stories for me to do- or precious few of them. So I didn't let the screen door hit me on the way out.

LK: But what led to this?

DR: Larry, glad you asked. Remember the story about Bush and the Alabama National Guard? It could be argued that errors in the methodology of reporting were made, but the substance of the story was never fully negated. Did President Bush report for duty at the Alabama Guard or not? I could tell that the brass' enthusiasm for us following through and doing more digging, more investigating, was certainly not high.

It could be argued that errors in the methodology of reporting were made, but the substance of the story was never fully negated. Love it.

I sent this comment: "I'm here to report that Dan Rather has sex with goats. Fully negate that." Surprise, surprise, the Huffcensors blocked it.

I'm not claiming credit--not by any means--but the post was soon removed from its slot on Huff's front page. You can only find it by punching "Russell Shaw" in the index box.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.