Tuesday, November 27, 2007

French "Youths"

So here's the latest from Paris, courtesy The New York Times:

Two suburban kids, by all accounts, steal a motor scooter, speed around without a helmet and collide with a police car, killing themselves.

(Oh, wait. The stealing part was left out of the Times, as was the top-speed part.)

The result: three days of riots, in which suburban French "youths" wreak havoc, not with rocks as with two years ago (when two other "youths" ran from police, hid in a power plant, and electrocuted themselves), but with shotguns.

Now, guess what two things the story does not mention.

Aww, you peeked:

*The boys' last names.

*The religion of the rioters, who are merely described as "unemployed, undereducated youths, mostly the offspring of Arab and African immigrants."

Umm, anything else they might have in common?

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