Thursday, September 03, 2009

Yankees 10, Jays 3


1. The Bake sale continues. Marte did himself some good.

2. Allen Barra in the Wall Street Journal (looking for the link) argues for Derek Jeter as MVP on the Paul Newman principle: the notion that someone deserves an Oscar eventually, based upon one's body of work, if not exactly this work. Paul Newman won for The Color of Money after losing for a half-dozen better performances; 2009 is no better than Jeter's third-best season, but it has become the year everyone plumps for him. The funny thing is, Paul Newman's best performance was probably The Verdict, which went up against Dustin Hoffman's best performance in Tootsie, which went also against Peter O'Toole's best performance in My Favorite Year, except that Hoffman had already won for an okay performance in Kramer vs. Kramer, which Oscar itself was a make-back to him from not winning in Midnight Cowboy, for which Jon Voight also didn't win, but would later win for Coming Home . . .

But O'Toole did win for Laurence of Arabia, right?

Um, no.

Oh, and. Newman, Hoffman, and O'Toole, three performances of a lifetime, all lost to Ben Kingsley in Gandhi. Bring me the man who has sat through that film twice.

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