Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jays 8, Yankees 0

Nothing much tonight, except, with Cito Gaston's retirement, it is interesting to note that the two skippers tonight have as many World Series rings as Billy Martin, Earl Weaver and Whitey Herzog combined. Three.

Now, a plane to catch and some down time as I rest myself for the playoffs.

Half-game back.

1 comment:

SundevilJoe said...

I had top share this from Mushnick's column thus morning.

"* The death of 26-year pro George Blanda, who began with the 1949 Bears, reminds reader Mike Shedler of a “Happy Days” episode:

The 1950s Cunninghams were watching a football game when Richie C. said something close to, “George Blanda probably has three or four good years left.”